The CCSR (Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion) is seeking a student representative. Representatives must be a member of one of the CCSR constituent societies:
- Association catholique d’études bibliques au Canada; Canadian Society of Biblical Studies;
- Canadian Society for the Study of Religion; Canadian Society of Patristic Studies;
- Canadian Theological Society; Société Canadienne de Théologie; Société Québécoise pour l’Étude de la Religion.
Student representatives normally attend the Annual Board Meeting of the CCSR held in January and the Annual General Meeting held in June at Congress. The student representative represents student interests on the Council and conveys information to student members of the constituent societies.
Representatives must be bilingual in English and French and be registered in a graduate programme in Canada.
There is a volunteer position and as such includes no remuneration.
Applications should include a brief statement of interest and a cv.
Deadline for applications is March 31, 2020. Please send to the CCSR President, Mathieu Boisvert at