ACÉBAC : an executive marked by diversity and renewal!

June 2021

ACÉBAC : an executive marked by diversity and renewal!


On May 27 2021, during the 77th General Assembly of the ACÉBAC (Association catholique d’études bibliques au Canada), a new and diverse executive team was elected. The President, Dr. Martha Milagros Acosta Valle, is the second woman in 78 years to chair the Association. She is an Associate Professor at Niagara University where she teaches biblical studies, specializing in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.

Dr. Acosta Valle is also the second person from an American university to hold the presidency of ACÉBAC. She succeeds Dr. Rodolfo Felices Luna who completed a four-year term from San Antonio, Texas. Both have Latin American origins.

The Vice-Presidents are Joseph Brito (doctoral candidate at Concordia University) and Karolle St-Jean (doctoral student at Laval University). Ms. St-Jean is the first member of the black community to serve on the executive team. The work of Mr. Brito is concerned, among other things, with a Latina/o interpretation of the Bible. Mr. Jean Grou (editor-in-chief of Prions en Église and Vie liturgique) was elected as Secretary and Mr. Jimmy Carbonneau (master’s student at Laval University) as Treasurer. Thus, three out of five members of the executive team are students, three of five have origins other than Canadian, and two of five are women.

According to Dr. Acosta Valle, “the new executive is perhaps the most diverse team in the history of our association. This is undoubtedly a sign of the times, and a manifestation of the openness of our members, who see the future as being characterised by complementarity and renewal.”

ACÉBAC was founded in 1943 and brings together French-speaking exegetes mainly in Canada.

For more information: Martha Acosta Valle: /

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